2024-2025 School Year
2024-2025 First Steps 4K Guidelines
2024-2025 First Steps 4K Program Calendar
Family Handbook - Electronic Version (English)
Family Handbook - Electronic Version (Spanish)
2025-2026 School Year
2025-2026 First Steps 4K School Calendar
Job Description Templates
First Steps 4K Instructional Assistant
Family Engagement Event Sign-In Sheet
Family Engagement Pre- and Post-Survey QR Codes
Workshop Timeline:
Materials and Resources:
For support in hosting successful workshops, use the following resources:
Family-Teacher Conferences
Family-Teacher Conference Tips
Family-Teacher Conference Checklist
Family-Teacher Conference Form
Webinar Recording: Tips for a Successful First Steps 4K Family Conference
School Transitions
Processes and Procedures
First Steps 4K + Child Care Application Process - For Providers
First Steps 4K + Child Care Scholarship Application Process - For Families
First Steps 4K + Child Care Scholarship Talking Points
First Steps 4K + Child Care Scholarship Program Details and Contact Information
Logos, Graphics and Brand Guidelines
Use these logos and graphics for your websites and large print jobs.
Logo - First Steps 4K
Logo - First Steps 4K + Child Care Scholarships
Logos and Brand Guidelines
Use these logos for your websites and large print jobs.
Logo - First Steps 4K
Logo - First Steps 4K + Child Care Scholarships
First Steps 4K Brand Guidelines
Print Material
All materials listed below are available for you to use, print and distribute throughout your community.
General Enrollment Quarter-Page Flyer
2024-2025 Flyer - First Steps 4K - Customizable for every First Steps 4K provider
2024-2025 Flyer - First Steps 4K - General
Palm Card - General
Palm Card - Customizable
Poster - First Steps 4K
Poster - First Steps 4K + Child Care Scholarships
These graphics are great to use on social media, websites and print advertisements to show how students are learning using key components in SC's Profile of the Ready Kindergartner.
Ready for School
Approaches to Learning and Inquiry
Physical Development, Self-Help, and Motor Skills
Emotional and Social Development
Mathematical Thinking
Language and Literacy Development
First Steps 4K + Siblings Announcement Graphic
Facebook Cover Graphic
Facebook Frame for Profile Picture
- How to Add a Frame to your Profile Picture
Social Media Recruitment and Outreach Ideas
Social Media Messaging Examples
First Steps 4K + Child Care Scholarship Talking Points
How to Create a Business Facebook Page
Lead Teacher Job Description Template
- Email your lead teacher job description to Samantha Ingram for posting to the SC First Steps Employment web page.
Healthy Learners works collaboratively with communities, schools, healthcare providers and families to remove health barriers to learning through screening, referral and access to medical services. Healthy Learners will serve All Pre-K through 8th grade students to improve academic and health-related outcomes.
Healthy Learners Staff Directory
Healthy Learners Consent Form - Online Version
South Carolina’s gateway to raising healthy children.
As the state’s most comprehensive, healthy development resource hub for families of young children, Help Me Grow (HMG) connects caregivers to the specialists, tools and services they need to support their child’s behavior, health and learning.
Care coordinators guide caregivers through the complicated network of services and supports available to children birth to age 5.
Help Me Grow offers:
Help Me Grow supports your practice and the families you serve.
Help Me Grow works with child health and service providers to offer developmental screenings, follow up connection to services, and information regarding healthy child development. With just one referral, HMG provides an individualized resource navigation pathway for each family.
How Professionals and Help Me Grow support families and children in SC
Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) is a home visiting program that supports parents in their role as their child's first and most important teacher.
The program is designed for families with 4-year-old children. It can be particularly beneficial for low-income families, parents and caregivers with limited education, families with history of child abuse, neglect and/or involvement with the child welfare system, and immigrant families experiencing language barriers.
Every week for 30 weeks, a trained parent educator meets with families of young children in their home. Visits are guided by a curriculum designed to equip parents with the skills and tools necessary to succeed in their role as a child’s first and most important teacher.
Recruitment materials
Getting Started with Ready Rosie
Teaching Strategies will host weekly “Implementing ReadyRosie with Fidelity and Success” webinars at 11AM or 4PM. First Steps 4K Coaches and Teachers new to ReadyRosie are encouraged to sign up for one here. You can also watch a recorded training any time.
This document provides steps for teachers creating a classroom and inviting families to ReadyRosie.
Invitation Flyer
Teachers can access flyers in Ready Rosie under the Resource tab. The family invitation flyer is in English and Spanish.
First Steps Local Partnerships
Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program
Palmetto Pre-K resources:
Leadership Forums – Held the 3rd Thursday each month; 12:30 – 2:00 pm
Conscious Discipline Lunch and Learns - Held the 3rd Wednesday of month; 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Teaching Strategies Gold Tutorial Assistance - Held Monthly, various time slots
Family Conference Success: Tips and Best Practices - Offerings vary; 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Family as Partners Workshop Series: Ready Rosie - Held the 2nd Tuesday each month; 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Literacy Labs: Curriculum Planning Meetings - Held twice a month
Literacy Labs: Language + Literacy Meetings - Held twice a month
Literacy Labs: The Originals (only the original Language and Literacy Boost program members should attend).
Translation services are available.