Group support with optional models of home visitation and fatherhood
Evidence Based
The Nurturing Parenting Programs are a family-centered trauma-informed initiative designed to build nurturing parenting skills as an alternative to abusive and neglecting parenting and child-rearing practices.
This map only shows programs funded by South Carolina First Steps. For more information about services available in your area, contact your local First Steps partnership.
Nurturing Parenting Programs target all families at risk for abuse and neglect with children birth to 18 years old.
Pregnant moms and expectant families
Families with babies and toddlers
Families with preschool-aged children
Families can attend group-based programs, home-based programs, or a combination of group and home-based sessions.
In-home coaching with trained parent educators
Community-based workshops and classes
The long-term goals are to prevent recidivism in families receiving social services, lower the rate of multi-parent teenage pregnancies, reduce the rate of juvenile delinquency and alcohol abuse, and stop the intergenerational cycle of child abuse by teaching positive parenting behaviors.
children served
families served
counties served
Parents as TeachersHome visitation and group support for families, before birth and through age five.
HIPPYHome Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) is a home visiting program that supports parents in their role as a child's first and most important teacher.
Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)One of the world's most-trusted parenting programs, Triple P is used in 30 countries around the world.
ParentChild+Home visitation for families with 2- and 3-year olds to promote early literacy skills
Strengthening Families14-session group support program to promote strong and resilient families.
Incredible Years12-week group support for parents for their child’s social and emotional development and behavior
Library Based and Other Learning ProgramsLibrary staff visit child care and preschool classrooms providing books, storytelling, and staff training.
Motheread/FathereadGroup support for parents with low literacy levels in reading to their children
Supporting Care Providers Through VisitsSite visits for home child care providers to encourage developmentally appropriate practices.
Family CaféParent discussion groups that support one another and recognize each other as leaders.
LENA HomeGroup-based parent intervention with a goal to improve children's language ability.
Translation services are available.