First Steps 4K Incentive Grants to Expand Services in Underserved Communities - SC First Steps

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First Steps 4K Incentive Grants to Expand Services in Underserved Communities

For the current fiscal year, the Office of First Steps may expend up to $250,000 to provide one-time supplemental, needs-based incentive grants in an amount not to exceed $30,000 for newly created and/or newly approved private providers proposing to expand service to ten or more CERDEP eligible children in communities unable to enroll all eligible students in a public, private, or Head Start setting during the prior fiscal year. These grants are designed to address building renovations, documented as necessary to bring proposed classrooms into compliance with licensing or accreditation regulations, materials and staffing costs, and/or other obstacles currently preventing their participation in the program. 

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants include center-based child care providers as well as churches, community centers, non-profit organizations, private and charter schools, colleges and universities, hospital systems, and others. For this round of funding, First Steps 4K intends to make at least one award to an organization that is a member of the SC Independent Schools Association. Public schools and school districts are not eligible for this First Steps 4K funding.  

These one-time funds are intended to support providers in overcoming obstacles currently preventing their participation in the First Steps 4K program. Such needs may include, but are not limited to, building renovations documented as necessary to bring proposed classrooms into compliance with licensing regulations and materials/equipment. The 2024-2025 Guidelines for First Steps 4K are located here. 

Award selection criteria include:

  1. Located within a priority area for 4K expansion
  2. Quality of the application
  3. Geographic distribution of awards

How to Apply

Those interested in this funding opportunity should email Martha Strickland, First Steps 4K State Director, to request a virtual appointment to discuss their proposed project.  Their 4K Coach and 4K Manager will be invited to the meeting as well. Prior to the application deadline, applicants may also submit drafts of their application responses via email for the First Steps 4K team to review and provide feedback. 

Note that $30,000 is the maximum award, smaller awards will be considered.  Requests should be limited to those costs/items necessary to overcome specific participation barriers, and grant funds can only be used to address documented barriers to program participation. Funds must be expended and invoiced before June 30, 2025. 

Request a Meeting

Eligible applicants include center-based child care providers as well as churches, community centers, non-profit organizations, private and charter schools, colleges and universities, hospital systems, and others.
Focus Area
First Steps 4K

How to Apply

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