Jordan, a single father of two young children, James and Emily, faced the daunting task of raising his kids alone when they were just 3 and 14 months old. Understanding the importance of being the best parent possible, Jordan sought help and turned to his local First Steps in Laurens, South Carolina.
Laurens County First Steps recognized the urgency of Jordan’s situation and made room for him in the Parents as Teachers program, even though it was at capacity. This program provided Jordan and his children with regular personal visits from a certified parent educator, participation in group sessions, and access to vital resources. These tools and resources equipped Jordan with the knowledge and confidence he needed to thrive as a parent.
Today, Jordan is both a graduate of the program and an ongoing and active participant in group meetings. He is dedicated to continuous learning and supports other parents on their journeys. He says, "I wouldn't be the parent I am today without First Steps."
Support families like Jordan's
When you give to First Steps, you provide dads like Jordan with the tools and resources they need to maximize their strengths and ensuring that children like James and Emily have the best possible start in life.
Donate now to support First Steps and help fathers like Jordan build brighter futures for their families.
Local Partnerships, Parenting